Sunday, November 21, 2010


Weeks before our departure, I was having coffee with a friend who has had extensive mission experience. She knew this was my first time and had graciously offered to meet with me. Hour after hour, she listened to the litany of questions and concerns that poured from my Type A mindset. At one point in my self purging, I expressed marvel over why we should spend the funds to transport volunteers to Haiti, when, "We could just write a check instead." I will never forget her response. "Adam, it is because of what it does for those who go."

I now know how wise her words were. It is true that my perspective has been changed and my values have been reformatted. But it goes deeper still. The shell that had protected the constructed self of my ego is gone and my exposed heart beats with a new, strong, sensitivity.

Thank you Haiti. I have received so very much more than I gave.....

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